How AI Is Reshaping Consumers’ Cloud Workloads

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AI workloads require more compute resources, more energy, and faster data throughput than conventional workloads, and these factors are reshaping the market dynamics of data centers as well as cloud economics. Demand for data center capacity is surging to new heights: Global data center demand is forecast to more than triple between 2023 and 20301,

Overcoming Top Multi-Cloud Challenges

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In today’s digital age, businesses are adopting multi-cloud environments to meet their diverse needs. Favoring the innovation and freedom multi-cloud strategies provide, almost 98% of enterprises find applications and digital services living in and across multiple clouds.1 Yet, many don’t have the proper expertise, capabilities, or tools to effectively manage them. In fact, a recent

SASE: The Right Technology at the Right Time

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How remote and hybrid work propelled new networking and security solutions Some employees are resisting returning to the office, with that drama highlighted by the news each day. But for others, office work has been part of the normal routine again for the past year or more. Many workers have adopted a hybrid work schedule

Energize Financial Services with Sovereign Cloud


Cross-cloud and cross-border business revolution National data protection With the latest announcement from China requiring high-tech companies to store data within its borders, global businesses have more rules to observe. Data protection increases when financial services companies expand operations to support regions outside of their traditional strongholds. While adhering to national data protection rules, serving

Sharing Cyber Responsibility in the Cloud


Through 2025, 99% of cloud security failures will be the customer’s fault. – Gartner1 As businesses move their on-premises systems and processes to the cloud, many also focus on keeping their digital assets secure. With so many players and moving parts, it’s critical to know where the responsibility of cloud platform providers for protecting applications