The Four ‘I’s to Channel Marketing Success

Channel Info

The channel represents over 70% of the global total addressable IT market1, highlighting its importance as a key route to market. However, an oversaturation of vendors relying on the channel has introduced new challenges, with many businesses competing for limited partner resources and opportunities to grow.

Thriving in this competitive landscape requires a focused and strategic approach.

In our latest infographic, we explore key methods to amplify brand visibility and remove friction in the channel—helping you capture the mindshare and momentum needed to position your solutions for success.

What’s Inside?

  • Investments: Without adequate funding, channel programs face an uphill battle. Learn why strategic investments in the channel are crucial for gaining traction in the market.
  • Interactions: Partner marketers are an extension of your brand. Discover how to equip sellers with the right resources as channel partners shift from generalized IT to use case-driven selling.
  • Insights: Data can provide an invaluable look into the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. Discover why incorporating data into your decision-making processes is essential for success.
  • Incentives: If compensation structures are not compelling, partners may prioritize competitive offerings over your own. See how to foster more commitment with rewards that matter.

Ready to amplify your channel marketing? Download our Partner Marketing Best Practices infographic and learn key tactics to build, grow, and scale strategic channel relationships today.

  1. Canalys, Channel Partners Will Drive More Than 70% of IT Spending in 2023, Aug 2023